Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 9: If You Could Have Any Job In The World, What Would It Be


I'd obviously be Batman.

In all seriousness though...

I'd be the lead programmer and director in an awesome Action RPG title whilst being a novelist and musician part time, In fact, I'd love to program, design and score my own videogame. Which I am currently doing. While working towards my degree... Slowly but surely, I'll get there.

I dunno. Not a lot of meat to this post since I kinda know what my dream job is.

As a kid I always wanted to be a scientist... Well, more of a chemist, really, working with chemicals and making shiz explode or finding a super cure for something. But then I didn't know what I wanted to be... Then open day came, and I heard my third year lecturer explain computer science... And I was in love.

Weirdly enough, for someone who hated math in highschool, I actually kind of like it now. If you understand it, it's fun. So yeah... When you find your passion... I think you should go for it...

Obviously I'm very musically involved, I did the grade 5 practical exam for guitar, I write a lot of lyrics and music... And I finished a novel, working on like seven others concurrently... So yeah, I dunno... I guess I'm not that far off from my dream job.

Anyway, day 9, been real, like, share, comment, subscribe, +1 or whatever, and I will see you tomorrow.


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