Okay, favourite childhood toys... Forgive me for this one, it's late, I'm tired, and it's been a week.
I had a stuffed rainbow dinosaur I called Charlie. No idea where he is now... Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Obveeeee. Yu-Gi-Oh was one of my first animé... My Duel Masters cards as well... I was a TCG king.
I had this little trunk full of Lego I used to cart around. It was my favourite thing, man, you're never as popular as you are when you have a trunk full of Lego and people who wanna build.
I had an Action Man I was fond of once upon a time...
I dunno. This is kind of a short topic... If I had to think of it, when I was an only child, I had a lot of toys, and I guess that's why I wasn't especially lonely or why I don't specifically remember which of my toys were my favourites, I sort of played quietly by myself, I remember in Rustenburg we had a house with an empty room I dubbed my playroom because it was isolating and freeing and I could play in there to my heart's content.
Favourite childhood possession was definitely my PS2 though... Does that count as a toy, haha? No? Well anyway, yeah, my PS2 and I had some great freaking times man. I don't have many memories of my grandfather, but my dad loves telling the story of the one time he came to visit, and the man was old, so my dad decided to mess with the both of us, so I was stuck on this level in Ratchet & Clank and my dad was like "You should ask Dera to play, he's a boffin." and naturally, thinking my own very dear father would never lie to me about the holiest of past-times, I stuffed a controller in the poor old man's hands...
I don't think I lasted five minutes watching him play...
I kinda miss him... Although we might have our differences now, because of the person I am and who I've become and what I believe in and what I do, but a part of me likes to think that he'd be very proud of me. Guess I'll never know, but we hold on to those kinds of beliefs, don't we? Just human things.
Anyway, day 7, like, comment, share, and whatever man, have a chilled one... Peace.
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