Hey, so glad you decided to check out my little corner of the web! I can be an incompetent nincompoop when I want to be, so if you ever have any issues with my blog, its content or just want to come chat, here's some ways you can do that! I try respond to any and all queries that come my way in a reasonable amount of time so hey, talk to me, I'm here for you. Except when I'm not, like when I'm asleep. Asleep time is me time. I'm not saying I value sleep more than you, but if I had to choose between sleep and sunshine, I'd have a garden full of dead flowers and a nocturnal disposition.
Email: mdstevens0612@gmail.com
Twitter Handle: @MatthewDaveStev
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howmattdavewrites/
Wattpad (For the sadists): https://www.wattpad.com/user/mdstevens0612