Well, at this juncture, I am single. I recently broke up with someone in what was the douchiest of manners, but I am not going to discuss that.
Okay, well what is being single like? Ever watch Gotham until 5AM because your life has no real meaning and you have no one to marathon Gotham with because you're an ugly slug of a person? A teensy bit like that. Except I wanna say I'm a strong 5/10 slug of a person. I wanna say that I haven't found what I'm looking for. Which also, until very recently, wasn't very specific. Now it's less vague, I guess. There's a fair bit of stalking your exes involved. All of them. In separate google chrome tabs. While eating a tub of ice cream. Jokes, I'd have to leave my apartment and buy ice cream...
This is coming off as way more pathetic than I intended it to be.
But honestly, I guess, there is a little bit of freedom in being single. Not the "don't look at other people" kind, honestly, are we twelve? Yes, it's going to be an actual given that your partner doesn't find you and you alone attractive. Of course she loves Ian Somerhalder and his perfect abs. Of course he was checking her out when you weren't looking. The thing is, when you're with a person, you love their imperfect abs or flat-as-a-board butt. That's your favourite butt. Your favourite tummy. You get to frickle frackle and play with those. They're yours to touch. Because that's the best part. You're with someone for who they are and what they look like. Because the goal is to grow old, fat, broken, wrinkled and smelly together. So no, not that kind of freedom. The kind of freedom that says, less obligation. You don't have to and worry about how you look when that person comes over, or how clean the place is. You don't have to worry about budgeting more things. You don't have to answer any weird probing questions from friends, acquaintances and family (although this is replace with either weird and kind of condescending looks, questions about why you're single and even questions about your sexuality, people, amirite?) and there's also... Freedom to discover yourself. Change your hair without okay-ing the decision because it might weird out people in her or his life and you don't wanna cause them social embarrassment. You're free to go make those personal changes.
And that freedom is worth celebrating actually. You shouldn't ever feel guilty about being single or alone. You shouldn't feel sad about it. I think when we're alone long enough we start getting paranoid ideas about our person and we let ourselves become what we fear to become. I think that we should love ourselves more for the people we are. Because independence, self-confidence, distinct personality traits... Those are attractive. I mean, dependent, self loathing and boring aren't exactly the kind of things you look for in people.
So yeah, while being single does mean that you aren't sending good morning texts with kissy faces to someone, it does mean that you get to meet people in the search for the next potential Mr or Ms. right, it does mean that you get to be yourself and not integrate with someone else, and it means that you can become a better and stronger person, a person that Mr or Ms. right will be beyond in love with. And you can get white-boy wasted. #InAnOpenRelationshipWithVodka amirite?
Being single isn't actually all bad.
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