It should be obvious that I don't have an iPod. I use my android for music. Because it's smarter than an iPod.
Here goes *braces self*...
1. What It's Worth, by MakingMonsters
Hardcore band from the UK, these guys kick so much ass... Fronted by the gorgeous and BRÜT4L Emma Gallagher, this is a smasher of a track, just some hectic high gain guitars, punchy drums, those godly screams from Emma and angelic cleans... Definitely something you 'core kids will wanna take a look at
2. Low, Ghosts On Broadway
FUCK. YEAH. "Shawty got dem apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur WITH THE FYEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUURRR" A cover from Punk Goes Pop 2 of Flo Rida's Low, it's just a screecher of a track, from the autotune cleans to those crunchy fucking vocals, I just get so freaking pumped listening to this track, it's one of my favourite PGP tracks.
3. Your Bones, Of Monsters And Men
You guys know the Icelandic folk-pop group, Of Monsters And Men for their hit, Little Talks, and from the same album, My Head Is An Animal, great album, comes Your Bones... Brass, guitars, harmonies... The works. Beautiful track, a song I should actually listen to more often
4. Gun. by My Chemical Romance
BE PROUD OF ME CHRISSSS, haha, yes, MCR came up, as it should... Off their Conventional Weapons EP, MCR killed their last release, this is a great track filled with that western/subterranean style they rocked on Danger Days, filled with some fun fun Pop Punk influences.
5 The Sadness Will Never End, by Bring Me The Horizon
This song shares similarities with some of Vincent Van Gogh's last words, "The sadness will last forever..." It's about substance abuse and not giving up on a person but what makes it stand out is the clean vocals from Sam Carter of Architects. The music video shows some of the vibrant performances they give... Metalcore track form early in Bring Me The Horizon's career, there are almost no traces of their deathcore roots on the track but this was a defining point in their career, they'd be known as a metalcore band for the next three albums... Curtis Ward was still playing rhythm, who played at Live At Wembley on the track Pray For Plagues, which was... Fantastic, it was a real "for the fans" show. Go see it if you even remotely like BMTH's Sempiternal
6. Never Lose Your Flames by Issues
I just remembered why I love metalcore... I'm not even going to lie... This is a powerful track... Got some hardcore punk roots, got some vibrant synths going, Michael Bohn just barks out these really feel good verses that just makes you want to stand up and smile because everything is okay, might be shit now, but you have the strength to pull yourself out of it... More than once this song snapped me right out of a super depressive episode and just made me smile... It's been a better friend to me than most people... Honestly, I'm not a "This band saved my life" kinda person, but... I think I'd have been much worse off if I hadn't heard this song... It'll always be on a mixtape of feel good tracks. Tyler Carter lays down crystalline cleans and it's... Beautiful. Really. If metalcore or electronic hardcore isn't your thing, just google the lyrics... It'll make you smile.
7. Sippin' 40'S, by Follow My Lead
"Let's get fucked up, like we do all the time, let's get fucked up, I can't remember last night!" Just a party orientated metalcore track gone back all the way to the roots, those hardcore punk riffs, epic breakdown, "I'll sleep in my grave, not in my bed!"
8. Harbor, by Touché Amoré
Great melodic hardcore track. They were signed to Deathwish at some point and that's like just a super hardcore label so I don't know what they're up to now but this is a great track, if you're a fan of older La Dispute, or Being As An Ocean, or Pianos As Teeth... "If I'm going down with you, then you're going down with me!" Just... A great one, super chilled riffs, combined with those really emotive screams...
9. Born To Die, Lana Del Rey
Strings... Just,.. Strings... The production value of Lana Del Rey's Born To Die is superb, just fantastic really. She takes on this really submissive, sweet but a mischievous persona, I remember someone saying that this album was like Lana had a little black book of clichés that she just put down, and that's actually okay with me, It's sweet and pretty and orchestral and just a fun track to sway to and pretend you're rescuing princesses to, haha
10. First Reactions After Falling Through The Ice, by La Dispute
AAHHHHH ♥ One of my favourite La Dispute tracks, and as most of you might know, La Dispute is on of my absolute favourite bands... I love these guys to death. And I love this track to death. It's as simple as the name says. It's the story of a kid falling through ice on a lake and nearly dying, and this fits into a larger metaphor about this bridge collapsing and how the rooms of the house aren't named after what we use them for... Really, I suggest you go listen to Rooms Of The House... It's... Perfect. I can't explain it any other way. Rooms Of The House is a perfect album.
And there we go.... This could have been much worse... I have songs like I Used To Have a Best Friend Until He Gave Me An STD, Violent Pornography, Tell Slater Not To Wash His Dick, O Father O Satan O Sun!... This could have been awkward to explain. But no, these were great songs, songs I love... And you know why I love them.
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