Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Day 14: Your Earliest Memory

Oh gosh...

This is a hectic one...

Uhm, okay... I don't remember much of anything from when I lived in Witbank, I was three... I have a lot of memories about when I was at pre-prep at Klein Duimpie, but this is in no chronological order, because it also functioned as an aftercare and both my parents were working at the time... I remember my grade one teacher somewhat... I remember my third grade teacher, but not her name.,,

I remember fourth grade...

What was the earliest? Probably something with my best friend at the time, a really big Afrikaans dude, and I mean, I was the tiniest of tykes, so people used to say that he was my body guard. Which was in a sense true, I guess, no one messed with me because my best bud could probably hang them by their shoelaces and let their tuck money fall out of their pockets... But this guy was the gentlest of people I've ever known, to this day still is. Really kind and warmhearted. I guess one of my earliest memories was, because at the time, we lived diagonally from each other on the same corner, so we'd climb from between each other's backyards over the wall. I remember playing with him there...

But I think the only thing I truly remember before that was walking out the house in Witbank as little toddler me, and tripping, hitting my knee against the porch that was slightly higher than the front walkway, not enough to bother adults, but teeny me saw my teeny ass. I still have the scar on my knee.

Yeah, besides that, just a great freaking childhood and WAIT JUMPSTART!


I take it back. From when I was in diapers, I was in front of the pc. My parents bought those Jumpstart edutainment games, and I played Jumpstart Preschool to death. IT EVEN CAME ON A FLOPPY DISC DRIVE! It was AMAZING! LIke, I think that thing held like a whole 1.5 megabytes of data! How far technology has come... "Welcome to Jumpstart Preschool, this is the school that's, real cool"... And it had that freaky fucking trash can that was like, "I WANT TWO APPLE CORES!" all demanding like and... Ugh... In my nightmares... Pierre the Polar Bear also had this mini game where you had to spot which one was different and when you got it right he was like "I'm diffaggrrrrent , great zjob!" and then he claps three times... Good times, good times...

Guess I was destined to troll the internet forever...


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