Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Day 14: Your Earliest Memory

Oh gosh...

This is a hectic one...

Uhm, okay... I don't remember much of anything from when I lived in Witbank, I was three... I have a lot of memories about when I was at pre-prep at Klein Duimpie, but this is in no chronological order, because it also functioned as an aftercare and both my parents were working at the time... I remember my grade one teacher somewhat... I remember my third grade teacher, but not her name.,,

I remember fourth grade...

What was the earliest? Probably something with my best friend at the time, a really big Afrikaans dude, and I mean, I was the tiniest of tykes, so people used to say that he was my body guard. Which was in a sense true, I guess, no one messed with me because my best bud could probably hang them by their shoelaces and let their tuck money fall out of their pockets... But this guy was the gentlest of people I've ever known, to this day still is. Really kind and warmhearted. I guess one of my earliest memories was, because at the time, we lived diagonally from each other on the same corner, so we'd climb from between each other's backyards over the wall. I remember playing with him there...

But I think the only thing I truly remember before that was walking out the house in Witbank as little toddler me, and tripping, hitting my knee against the porch that was slightly higher than the front walkway, not enough to bother adults, but teeny me saw my teeny ass. I still have the scar on my knee.

Yeah, besides that, just a great freaking childhood and WAIT JUMPSTART!


I take it back. From when I was in diapers, I was in front of the pc. My parents bought those Jumpstart edutainment games, and I played Jumpstart Preschool to death. IT EVEN CAME ON A FLOPPY DISC DRIVE! It was AMAZING! LIke, I think that thing held like a whole 1.5 megabytes of data! How far technology has come... "Welcome to Jumpstart Preschool, this is the school that's, real cool"... And it had that freaky fucking trash can that was like, "I WANT TWO APPLE CORES!" all demanding like and... Ugh... In my nightmares... Pierre the Polar Bear also had this mini game where you had to spot which one was different and when you got it right he was like "I'm diffaggrrrrent , great zjob!" and then he claps three times... Good times, good times...

Guess I was destined to troll the internet forever...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day 13: Somewhere you'd like to move or visit

Day 13! Well let's jump right into it


Hogwarts, obviously but past that, but as in real locations... Uhm, Sheffield, Toronto, The Swiss Alps... Tokyo... Mozambique, Cairo, Brazil, Louisiana, New York, Chicago, Seattle, Australia, Mauritius, Tibet...

Lot's of places really. But I guess I've actually covered this a while back.

To move?

I guess after I study, I'd like to live in the UK for a while. Or Toronto, Canada. I know most South Africans high-tail it towards Australia but I guess I'm not one of those people. And I love this country, I guess it's as good as any to live and die on, it's never about the where... But I guess I would like to see more of the world.

I seem to have run out of things to say... I dunno. Guess I'm not as talkative today as I usually am. Anyway, cheers, and you know the drill :)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Day 12.5: The challenge question

Day 30 is my plans for the next month afterwards. I'm going to drop the reveal you all kinda wanna hear me say. But you'll have to wait another 18 days for that. I will say it'll be a big one. 

For this post...

I'll answer my favourite FAQs...

Are you American?

No. I was born in Joburg, raised in Vredenburg, lived in Harties for a long ass time. Only left SA once or twice, actually.

Are you gay?


Why did you and <insert name here> break up?

None of anyone's business, actually. All the details you need to know can be found slipped in the passages of my ramblings, but for the most part, they really are none of your business unless I make it so.

How can you listen to that metal stuff?

Easily. Since I taught myself how to scream, I know the nuances, I know what good tone is... I can appreciate hardcore vocals. The music itself is also complex, and dissonant, and really just a joy to listen to. It's not all "screaming". It's a great experience if you're open. Don't ever ask me to "give me some metal" because then I'll give you nothing. You don't know what you want. Ask me rather, "Get me into metal" and that I can do. But what I consider metal, and what you think you want is completely different. 

<Any idiotic atheism related question>

I don't believe in your god. I don't want to murder puppies or kidnap children. All the time. 

How old are you?


Can you play Smoke on the Water?


Aren't you scared you'll get possessed or something?

Nope. Not even a little bit. C'mon, children... Something must have clicked when you looked under your bed and there were no monsters.

Are you <insert name here's brother>?

No. Motherfucking fuck no. Either you people have never seen coloured people before or you're honestly just that stupid. Literally. I've been asked this about two people, one of which was actually coloured, and he looked fuckall like me... Sigh.

Play me something! *then proceeds to not listen*

I swear to Dawkins, you infuriate me. I laid my soul down for you. I gave you my everything. And you just ignore me... YOU HAVE OFFENDED ME!

Oh, you play guitar? *while I'm holding a guitar and playing said guitar*

No. This is just how I pick up girls... Sigh...

Didn't it hurt? *with reference to my piercing*

No, it was actually relatively painless... To me. I might have just been so hyped up on my own anxiousness. They're making a whole in you. Is it supposed to not hurt?

How do you have so many games?

I am a hoarder.

And my all time favourite, and I kid you not, when I was seventeen, some kid was looking through my games and looks at me with wonder in his eyes, 

How do you have so many 18 rated games?

I... I... Don't know how to answer this one.... I bought them... I mean... How do you get your non-18 rated games...? I just... Wow. WOW. Just... WOW... Uhm... 

Day 12: Bullet Your Whole Day

Here goes:

-Woke up
-Moved laptop away
-Fall asleep again
-Groggily wake up again
-Be late
-Skip Breakfast
-Run to lecture
-Sit through blur of morning lectures
-Two hours of AIM101
-Get a pizza slice
-Join friends behind economics building
-Talk about Blackadder and Monty Python
-Sit through COS121
-Leave that lecture
-Go to COS110 prac
-Leave 110 prac
-Hunt for food
-Buy and eat Steers rave burger
-Talk to friends by language labs
-Discuss highschool setworks, Apple, Android, Animé
-Leave for the day
-Go buy groceries with friend
-Drop 5 liter water and look like a total chump
-Get home
-Wash dishes
-Mop Floors
-Listen to mewithoutyou

And here we are. Just another manic monday... Really, not much notable has happened today... But tomorrow is a late morning so that is chilled... This band, mewithoutyou, they're amazing... A real hipster band though, haha.

Day 11: Put Your iPod On Shuffle And Post The First 10 Songs That Appear

It should be obvious that I don't have an iPod. I use my android for music. Because it's smarter than an iPod.

Here goes *braces self*...

1. What It's Worth, by  MakingMonsters
Hardcore band from the UK, these guys kick so much ass... Fronted by the gorgeous and BRÃœT4L Emma Gallagher, this is a smasher of a track, just some hectic high gain guitars, punchy drums, those godly screams from Emma and angelic cleans... Definitely something you 'core kids will wanna take a look at

2. Low, Ghosts On Broadway
FUCK. YEAH. "Shawty got dem apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur WITH THE FYEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUURRR" A cover from Punk Goes Pop 2 of Flo Rida's Low, it's just a screecher of a track, from the autotune cleans to those crunchy fucking vocals, I just get so freaking pumped listening to this track, it's one of my favourite PGP tracks.

3. Your Bones, Of Monsters And Men
You guys know the Icelandic folk-pop group, Of Monsters And Men for their hit, Little Talks, and from the same album, My Head Is An Animal, great album, comes Your Bones... Brass, guitars, harmonies... The works. Beautiful track, a song I should actually listen to more often

4. Gun. by My Chemical Romance
BE PROUD OF ME CHRISSSS, haha, yes, MCR came up, as it should... Off their Conventional Weapons EP, MCR killed their last release, this is a great track filled with that western/subterranean style they rocked on Danger Days, filled with some fun fun Pop Punk influences.

5 The Sadness Will Never End, by Bring Me The Horizon
This song shares similarities with some of Vincent Van Gogh's last words, "The sadness will last forever..." It's about substance abuse and not giving up on a person but what makes it stand out is the clean vocals from Sam Carter of Architects. The music video shows some of the vibrant performances they give... Metalcore track form early in Bring Me The Horizon's career, there are almost no traces of their deathcore roots on the track but this was a defining point in their career, they'd be known as a metalcore band for the next three albums... Curtis Ward was still playing rhythm, who played at Live At Wembley on the track Pray For Plagues, which was... Fantastic, it was a real "for the fans" show. Go see it if you even remotely like BMTH's Sempiternal

6. Never Lose Your Flames by Issues
I just remembered why I love metalcore... I'm not even going to lie... This is a powerful track... Got some hardcore punk roots, got some vibrant synths going, Michael Bohn just barks out these really feel good verses that just makes you want to stand up and smile because everything is okay, might be shit now, but you have the strength to pull yourself out of it... More than once this song snapped me right out of a super depressive episode and just made me smile... It's been a better friend to me than most people... Honestly, I'm not a "This band saved my life" kinda person, but... I think I'd have been much worse off if I hadn't heard this song... It'll always be on a mixtape of feel good tracks. Tyler Carter lays down crystalline cleans and it's... Beautiful. Really. If metalcore or electronic hardcore isn't your thing, just google the lyrics... It'll make you smile.

7. Sippin' 40'S, by Follow My Lead
"Let's get fucked up, like we do all the time, let's get fucked up, I can't remember last night!" Just a party orientated metalcore track gone back  all the way to the roots, those hardcore punk riffs, epic breakdown, "I'll sleep in my grave, not in my bed!"

8. Harbor, by Touché Amoré
Great melodic hardcore track. They were signed to Deathwish at some point and that's like just a super hardcore label so I don't know what they're up to now but this is a great track, if you're a fan of older La Dispute, or Being As An Ocean, or Pianos As Teeth... "If I'm going down with you, then you're going down with me!" Just... A great one, super chilled riffs, combined with those really emotive screams...

9. Born To Die, Lana Del Rey
Strings... Just,.. Strings... The production value of Lana Del Rey's Born To Die is superb, just fantastic really. She takes on this really submissive, sweet but a mischievous persona, I remember someone saying that this album was like Lana had a little black book of clichés that she just put down, and that's actually okay with me, It's sweet and pretty and orchestral and just a fun track to sway to and pretend you're rescuing princesses to, haha

10. First Reactions After Falling Through The Ice, by La Dispute
AAHHHHH ♥ One of my favourite La Dispute tracks, and as most of you might know, La Dispute is on of my absolute favourite bands... I love these guys to death. And I love this track to death. It's as simple as the name says. It's the story of a kid falling through ice on a lake and nearly dying, and this fits into a larger metaphor about this bridge collapsing and how the rooms of the house aren't named after what we use them for... Really, I suggest you go listen to Rooms Of The House... It's... Perfect. I can't explain it any other way. Rooms Of The House is a perfect album.

And there we go.... This could have been much worse... I have songs like I Used To Have a Best Friend Until He Gave Me An STD, Violent Pornography, Tell Slater Not To Wash His Dick, O Father O Satan O Sun!... This could have been awkward to explain. But no, these were great songs, songs I love... And you know why I love them.

Day 10:Your Guilty Pleasures

Ah, so I'm a little embarrassed... I missed two days... So to make up for it, I'm going to do all three, tonight. Day 10, 11, 12, as well as a 12.5 that's just off topic and honest... It isn't called a challenge for nothing. To be honest, I was in... That place, over the weekend, that dark little corner in my head. I was there all the way up till this morning. I don't know why it went away, it just did. That's kind of how it works. It starts with a disinterest in everything, then total apathy and self-loathing, all the while you can't concentrate on a goddamn thing... Eventually it goes away, but you can't out-think it. You can distract yourself, and you can make little coping mechanisms, and sometimes they don't work, sometimes they do... But I'm back now.

Okay, guilty pleasures, in no particular order.

- Pop divas.
Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Lana Del Rey, Adele... That's just how it is. And I am not ashamed... If she wears the crown, a bitch better bow down, haha.

I saw Rocky Horror with my ex, was amazing, watched the film, watched Grease live and on film, watched all three Highschool Musicals, watched Glee *religiously* for a long while, Rock Of Ages. Not even going to joke... I am a total sucker for randomly breaking into song and dance. As lame as that is... But I mean, if I'm that kid walking down the street screaming along to Lamb Of God at 7AM while every other student gives me a total face of what-the-ungodly-fuck-is-he-even-doing...

-Girly anime
Tokyo Mew Ala Mode, or Mew Mew Power as it was called outside of Japan was one of my first. I also watched wayyyy too much Totally Spies... My first manga was actually a shojo romance called Fushigi Yuugi... I read it the wrong way at first, thinking it was just a print error, but then after correcting myself, I found it to be one of the most enthralling experiences... I just bought it because it was on sale at some ancient ass book store and I liked comics.

See, before I wrote the book I wrote, I actually day-dreamed the whole thing... I'm like 30 years past where the book ends in my head. This was something that I just developed as a kid as a result of what I guess was an over-active imagination. Only child for 10 years, and we moved around a lot, so at times I had to invent friends. Or stories. A lot of them were based on TV shows I watched. I laughed really hard at that one episode of Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, where Will takes Mac on a tour and then there's Mojo Jojo and he's all like "Some kids aren't very creative so they just copy what they see on tv." I sort of directly related to that. My stories got better as I grew up... I guess I've been grooming myself into a writer since I was 8.

-Girly alcoholic drinks
Beer tastes stupid. There. I said it. It's overly macho and *really* bitter. And disgusting. Why are the pink drinks the ones that taste the best? Even the non-alcoholic ones... Ever had that sparkling Ruby Grapefruit soda? That shiz is amazing... And pink lemonade? AAAHHH ♥ I'm sorry, but cocktails are fun and not loaded with calories and you can get waaaaaasted. Beer is stupid. Except Carling Black Label, I guess... It's the cheapest drink when your money's gone down the sink.
-Wearing my Onesie... Uh.. Onesy... Onezee? Fuck.
I have a Batman one. It's awesome. I wear my Batman sneakers with it and walk around yelling "JUSTICE" in my best Christian Bale voice. I'd list Batman as my guilty pleasure, but nah...

-True Blood
It's not for everyone. There's sex, violence, Southern accents and so much weird. Just... In your face. And Joe Manganiello's abs... (O.O) How do you even get THAT ripped? Like... Even I want to touch them... Besides all the titties in your face and weird vampire sex and weird werewolf sex and that one time Bellefluer fucked a fairy on a pool table and you know what? You get it, right? There are some great allegories about racial discrimination, the evils of capitalism, dangers of conservative thinking, effect of drugs and addiction... If you can sit through all the *rambling going off into the distance* then True Blood is... Amazing. NO GUILT! Right up until my dad walks in... UGH. My dad once walked in on us watching TB and Jason was getting it on with this one chick while they were watching a sextape of her and a vampire and my dad bursts into the room triumphantly, announcing that he has made a masterpiece of a meal, and now there's lots of sex noises and really visible sex happening... And I pause. Tits. I unpause and pause again, A better shot of tits. This went on for about three minutes before I paused on Jason's cumface which was decidedly the least awkward thing to display.

I haven't lived it down since.

-Sonic The Hedgehog
Can your problems even keep up with Sonic The Hedgehog? No. They can't. He's too fast. 'Nough said.

Okay, guilty pleasures... Wow, I sound feminine... Cue questions about my sexuality in 3, 2...

Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 9: If You Could Have Any Job In The World, What Would It Be


I'd obviously be Batman.

In all seriousness though...

I'd be the lead programmer and director in an awesome Action RPG title whilst being a novelist and musician part time, In fact, I'd love to program, design and score my own videogame. Which I am currently doing. While working towards my degree... Slowly but surely, I'll get there.

I dunno. Not a lot of meat to this post since I kinda know what my dream job is.

As a kid I always wanted to be a scientist... Well, more of a chemist, really, working with chemicals and making shiz explode or finding a super cure for something. But then I didn't know what I wanted to be... Then open day came, and I heard my third year lecturer explain computer science... And I was in love.

Weirdly enough, for someone who hated math in highschool, I actually kind of like it now. If you understand it, it's fun. So yeah... When you find your passion... I think you should go for it...

Obviously I'm very musically involved, I did the grade 5 practical exam for guitar, I write a lot of lyrics and music... And I finished a novel, working on like seven others concurrently... So yeah, I dunno... I guess I'm not that far off from my dream job.

Anyway, day 9, been real, like, share, comment, subscribe, +1 or whatever, and I will see you tomorrow.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Day 8: A Moment You Felt Satisfied With Your Life

Well... There have been many moments... The first dance I went to, as I awkwardly rocked from side to side while holding a girl at the armpits because if my hands were too low it would be ungentlemanly. There was the moment when I passed my calculus exam recently, for which I got a 70% (I AM THE CALCULUS MASTAAAAHHHH), after staying up until four...

But it was probably... December, last year. My ex and I were still together, and I had gotten my matric results, which were more than I thought I'd get, and it was... Good. Life was good. My highschool friends and I were still all together, and we were going to have one last hurrah before we all went our separate ways.

There isn't all that much to this story. But life was... Good. In that singular moment, life was good. We laughed, we shared a moment.

Well, I can backtrack more... My matric dance. My parents decided that we should have pre-drinks at our house So highschool friends were invited, and we got some... Stunning photos. Really. And my mom was just a legend that day. So was my dad, despite being late AF. Was still with ex, and we went to the dance together. The next day the shit hit the fan in a royal. royal, royal way, but... That's a continuation on December 7th. December 7th is a story for my 21st. And one of my friend's 21st's. Really, it's going to be something we never forget. But yeah. I requested Space Enough To Grow by Of Mice & Men to play, and we slow danced, and... Moment. Moment of life satisfaction...

I guess a lot of my life satisfaction stories would include one of my exes in particular. Mostly because they all happened between this year and last year. Around the time we were together... These last two years have been great. A bit of heartbreak, but a lot of growing, and a lot of growing up.

There was also the time I finished my first novel. I wrote a 47 chapter novel about a stupid YA Vampire Romance I started in highschool because Vampire Diaries and True Blood were my identity. Although my story was much different. I put some of it onto FictionPress but nothing really came of it. There'll be many more to come, but it's okay. Even if I never publish it, the moment I finished the last chapter of the first draft, the moment I knew that I actually wrote a whole novel? That was a moment of life satisfaction. It was like, boom. I did a thing. An important thing. Something I could share with people for years to come.

There was also when I moved all my shit into my flat... Life satisfaction there...

This one was really positive... I can just recount all my favourite moments where I really was satisfied with life... Usually it's all suicide and atheist rage but today... I remembered that life gets... Better. Always. There'll always be a monumental moment in the future you can look forward to. There always be moments of life satisfaction, moments you create, even from a spur of the moment blog challenge that's kinda stupid but actually really fun. Live for those moments. They're important and beautiful, and depression can't ever take that from you.

Anyway, peace out, like, comment, share, subscribe, +1, and have a great day.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 07: Favourite Childhood Toys

Okay, favourite childhood toys... Forgive me for this one, it's late, I'm tired, and it's been a week.

I had a stuffed rainbow dinosaur I called Charlie. No idea where he is now... Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Obveeeee. Yu-Gi-Oh was one of my first animé... My Duel Masters cards as well... I was a TCG king.

I had this little trunk full of Lego I used to cart around. It was my favourite thing, man, you're never as popular as you are when you have a trunk full of Lego and people who wanna build.

I had an Action Man I was fond of once upon a time...


I dunno. This is kind of a short topic... If I had to think of it, when I was an only child, I had a lot of toys, and I guess that's why I wasn't especially lonely or why I don't specifically remember which of my toys were my favourites, I sort of played quietly by myself, I remember in Rustenburg we had a house with an empty room I dubbed my playroom because it was isolating and freeing and I could play in there to my heart's content.

Favourite childhood possession was definitely my PS2 though... Does that count as a toy, haha? No? Well anyway, yeah, my PS2 and I had some great freaking times man. I don't have many memories of my grandfather, but my dad loves telling the story of the one time he came to visit, and the man was old, so my dad decided to mess with the both of us, so I was stuck on this level in Ratchet & Clank and my dad was like "You should ask Dera to play, he's a boffin." and naturally, thinking my own very dear father would never lie to me about the holiest of past-times, I stuffed a controller in the poor old man's hands...

I don't think I lasted five minutes watching him play...

I kinda miss him... Although we might have our differences now, because of the person I am and who I've become and what I believe in and what I do, but a part of me likes to think that he'd be very proud of me. Guess I'll never know, but we hold on to those kinds of beliefs, don't we? Just human things.

Anyway, day 7, like, comment, share, and whatever man, have a chilled one... Peace.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day 6: Your Zodiac Sign and If You Think It Fits Your Personality

*Takes a deep sigh*

My opinions on astrology are basically the same as religion. But for shits and giggles, let's have at day 6, my zodiac sign and if I think it fits my personality.

Okay, so I'm a *cringes* Sagittarius.

Science, logic, common sense all say that the arbitrary position of the stars at have no effect on your life. Let's take a quick look at what the pseudoscience says that means.


Well according to this site I am  apparently adventure craving, I strive for independence, I base choices on how much freedom they give me, I search for wisdom, I speak the truth and you know what, you can read for yourself on which of the 12 specific types of people I am more like.

Things I agree with:
- I do strive for independence
- I do perform best under pressure, that's because it's the only time I actually perform, the rest of the time I'm watching Smallville.
- Uhm... I guess I'm straightforward? I dunno. I do sometimes tell hard truths. But hey, "It's not love on which the strongest foundations are built; it's the decency of merciful lies."

Things I disagree with
-I am not guided by luck
-I am not an optimist at all! I am a huge cynic and sometimes a real pessimist.
-I am definitely not emotionally detached, I am a smushy person who likes sentiments... I love expressing them, and receiving them in return
-I dwell on hurt all the time. It's why I don't sleep. I'm a dweller. I dwell on things. For years.
-And my life is disorganized AF. Live with me for a few days and you'd immediately see how badly I need to get my shit together.

So I guess, it's somewhat accurate? But I could throw a list of 12 random things together just vague enough to be universal and you'd probably relate to it in some way. It's not worth the space it takes up on a hard disk or the paper it's printed on.

What a ball-ache. Ugh. Astrology is so stupid. Anyway, like, comment, share, +1 or whatever, and have a good one. This was day 6.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 5: Your Top Five Comfort Foods

Finally, something lighthearted and easy and not psychoanalytical!

Okay, well here goes.

1. Pizza

Because if you don't like pizza, we can't be friends. The Spicy Chicken from Pizza Perfect remains my weapon of choice but as far as comfort food goes, this is my go to. Other notable ones include a Margherita with extra chili and chicken from Roman's, the Mexicana from Debonair's... I like 'em hot.

2. Oreos

Because I'm a basic bro... But I mean... Oreos... Ever been mad at someone giving you Oreos? No. It's physically impossible.


My favourite being the mint bubbly at the moment, I am a chocolate addict. Also, before indulging in chocolate, one must always listen to Gimme Chocolate by Babymetal. Because, metal. (holds out bucket to collect the tears of butthurt metal elitists)

4. Maki!

Peasant sushi. Maki, easy to eat, cheap to buy, delicious AF. Accompanied by coconut juice, which is AMAZING and some sake, maki won't ever betray you, or lend your PS2 games and never give them back, or tell you that Bring Me The Horizon has become uninspired and robotic. Maki is always there for you. Maki will never let you down. And it really is the cheapest of all sushi. Best of all, there's no bad maki! Avo, crabstick, salmon, prawn, tuna... All maki is good. Maki is fair. Maki is love. Maki is life.

5. The Bar-One Waffle

To this day, I cannot finish it in a single sitting. It's so much... But I love it. It's literally the only appealing thing on the Wimpy menu... It should totally be called the Bar-One Ab Pancake. Oh Dawkins, I sound like such a basic bro, but that's okay.

Yeah, that's how I choose to get diabetes (haha, legitimate medical conditions are so funny!). Anyway, Day 5. Check in the comments for the original challenge if you wanna do your own, it's been a blast and share, like or comment if you wanna show me some love, or you just wanna rage at me, or you think this is stupid and that it definitely couldn't even be productive like WTF man, go get a real job or something.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Day 4: Your Views On Religion

Okay, here it is... I'm going to try and be civil. I am going to be nice. I won't say too many mean things. I promise.

Okay, well, let's jump right in.

I'm an atheist. If you know me at all or if you scroll through my wall on Facebook or have stumbled upon my comments on YouTube or *rambling trailing off into the distance* then you'd know exactly what my stance on religion is. I really, really don't like it. I make it a point to never capitalise the g in god. I think if he did exist, from what we know about him, he's a murderous sociopath with a weird fetish for dead infants.

Should I say why? I'm going to say why. Feel free to skim. I'll tell you, from the beginning, why I fucking hate religion so much...

Let's start with a younger version of myself. Well, I went to christian schools all my life. Went to Sunday School as a kid, had a colourful copy of My First Bible, and my parents kept true to the faith. I remember at some point deciding or agreeing with someone that the bible is just filled with good stories. They didn't necessarily have to be true but I did believe that there was a god, and I prayed. The first time I really started questioning was when I met an atheist. Suddenly I was aware that not everyone believed in the same thing I did. So my question was, and since we moved around a lot, do good people go to heaven, or do believers go to heaven? I feel that should have been easy enough to tell a child. But no... A lot of people said only believers would... Which made me think, hang on, but I know really good people who aren't believers... I remember this Muslim kid I was friends with as a child, and he was a real stand up guy... I couldn't believe that he would eternally burn for just being a little different than me... So when people told me good people go to heaven, I was more inclined to believe them... But why didn't everyone believe that? I've come to realise in my later years that this is how Christianity has actually kept going on for so long... It's not a religion that only bullies it's believers... It convinces it's believers that they're actually helping people by telling them they'll have infinite punishment for not believing in the same thing they do... With what war propaganda being what it was, I mean, I was so surprised that no one else figured that maybe, just maybe, something here is fucked up. But back to Mini-Matty. I was rather transfixed on it all... I had a good voice, I liked to sing, and Church was a place that I could do that. I didn't really care what I was saying... I just liked singing. I also liked the fun activity books and the colouring in. Of course, you're a kid, these things are important, and fun, and you want to be a part of that. After a while though, the moving got so hectic that we sort of stopped going to church. We wouldn't stay long enough anyway. So I still believed. To this day we still pray before we eat. But my dad would put jazz or gospel on, on a Sunday afternoon... That was his "church" for a while. I remember wanting the album Demon Days by Gorillaz so badly, but my dad wouldn't buy it for me... To this day, it is still one of my favourite albums. Great tracks, and I mean, the smash hit Feel Good Inc. is on there, one of the first bass lines I learned. This when it started to bug me, I think. Coming to my pre-teen years, I watched a lot of television. I remember in Lydenberg, my closest friends were two homeschooled children a bit younger than men, but their parents were... Well... Suffocating. They weren't allowed to watch half the programs I watched. This was around the time Animax started. I got into Magister Negi Magi Negima, .//Hack, Black Cat, Eureka 7, Neon Genesis Evangelion... Great freaking shows. Those kids weren't even allowed to watch Fairly Odd Parents. Witchcraft and all that. No Disney, nothing. I mean, we're millennials. We got raised on television and the late 2000s boom of everything awesome on the internet. But no, traditional parents, traditional kids. I was frustrated because I had no one to share my favourite things with. We eventually moved, again... But I was distanced from religion by now... It started making less and less sense... What was it about singing and having fun that made adults so scared of a few animated drawings and Harry Potter? So then came highschool. In this private Christian institution, we were sort of forced every Friday to do hymn singing... By forced, I meant it was easier to just sit through it and mumble through the songs than to get into a fight with the teachers or get detention on a weekly basis. I watched Paranormal Activity for the first time here... It was scary as hell! I mean, I thought this kind of thing could actually happen to me! I had nightmares for three days! And then, when I didn't die at 4AM the fourth night, I started realising, that whoops, nothing was coming for me, that demons aren't real. They're not outside, or under your bed waiting for you... I think I started to realise where the demons really where *points to own head*. But I still believed... Hell, I even let a guy talk me into going on a youth camp. I mean, camp it was going to be fun! This I think was becoming a turning point. At this age, you become more sexually aware of yourself. You start feeling really guilty about things you shouldn't. Natural things. And I somehow thought that being a normal teenage a boy who perved on girls and had a bit of alone time every so often would get me sent to the eternal slammer. Jesus H Christ (Google what the H stands for, it'll make your day, I promise). So I really did feel bullied by this institution that was claiming to be helping people. I never got to explore my sexuality. I was afraid. So on this camp, which was a good camp, don't get me wrong, I sort of came out with this renewed faith in God, who I didn't really feel was there at the time but I sort of just went along with it. I remember one of my best friends saying he didn't believe in Hell... And fuck, it's probably one of the most sensible things anyone at that age could say. He got a lot of flack for it, but I respected him for saying that. You know, one of the phrases I've always hated the most was god-fearing. Something inside me always got a little angry when someone called themselves or someone else that. Anyway, a few heartbreaks later, and as it happens in highschool, I started becoming clinically depressed. Here, I was at my lowest. I needed help. No one was giving it to me. Not my parents, not any higher power... My friends were about all I had... My friends, my shows, and my music. Otherwise, I was alone. And when I was alone, the thoughts started getting scarier. And when nothing came, no angels came down to save me or tell me everything was okay, hell a fucking breeze moving the curtain might have even been enough, nothing happened. Ding. Click. Maybe, just maybe, I was insignificant to the man with the beard and the robes. Okay... So this is when it started. I declared myself agnostic.  It's safe, no one judges you, and it's like being godless with benefits. A sort of, "I'll worry about it  later". As it turned out, a lot of people I knew had come very scarily close to offing themselves. This confirmed my belief that there is no one really looking out for us... I became aware of just how alone in the universe we really were... And this was it. One night, I thought, what would not existing feel like... What would death feel like? A dreamless sleep implies you wake up... Just, what if, what if EVERYTHING I was taught is wrong? It felt cold.

The closest thing I can compare it to is... Not being able to hear, smell, see or taste anything. Like being underwater, except... Silence. Nothing. Nothing that stretches on forever. Blackness... Black is really fitting, because it's just darkness, the absence of light. That's what death was like. Absence. You're absent. Everything is absent. Because you end, you literally stop existing.

And I found a word for that. Oblivion. Nothing. Not the peaceful kind... Yes, there is no hurt, no pain, no heartbreak, no fear, no anxiety... But there's no happiness. Nothing. It's almost cold, but you wouldn't feel it.

It was fucking scary.

All that happened in the space of about twenty seconds. To this day, I sometimes picture it and I can't stay there for more than a few seconds. This is the reality of death. It's final. You end there. Everything really ends there. That's the destiny of every man and woman and everyone in between.... You will die. There is no escaping that reality. And if it's anything like what I picture, you suddenly see why immortality becomes... Desirable. This was when I think I finally understood why people stayed in religious institutions... The alternative is now way to live. It literally makes you into a nihilist. "Like roses, we blossom, then die."

That's all there is...

And it was scary. I lived with this for a while, because, this made sense. This is what it was all about, really... Our own mortality. Man fears his own mortality, which is why he thinks of ways to survive his own death. And suddenly, that was the only thing I truly saw in Christianity... A lie we tell ourselves so we can keep on living, a promise of surviving death so we don't lose hope.

And then I read the damndest thing by Mark Twain.

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”

I laughed. I had a day of actual peace. A night of sleep. It fit right in there... You're dead for so long, and when you finally get the chance to live, why waste it on inventing cheap ways of comforting yourself about dying again? Why cheapen the whole universe that way? We're a bunch of talking monkeys flying through the universe on an organic spaceship, I feel like all of that wonder and beauty is enough for me, this whole world, this solar system, this planet, this continent, this country... This person that I am now... This is enough for me. I wanna live. While I still have the chance... See, absurdism sort of says that it's pointless to try and find your purpose because you can never know it... But there is a branch of existentialism that says, you don't have any purpose really. You have to create it. You will live and you will die. That's all that's certain. I remember a quote from Mahatma Gandhi that says "Whatever you do in life will be insignificant. but it is very important that you do it". And this also made sense to me. You are born, and then you die. Whatever is in between is yours. It's weird but, I know I'm insignificant to the universe, but to myself, to the people around me, I matter. Nothing I do matters because the thing is, I will die. Being a good person won't make dying any better. Being a bad person won't make dying any worse. Death is unbiased, and equal, and indiscriminate, and about as fair and forgiving as they come. But while I'm here, I know because I have empathy and sympathy for fellow human beings, that you don't fuck with people. We're all on the same journey, headed towards death. This is why suicide scares the shit out of me. That someone would choose to snuff themselves out... Whether they live on in the memories of other's is inconsequential, it's just a small comfort as your heart stops beating. And I've almost been that person, so many times.

So I came out as an Atheist. Loud and proud. Sometimes militant, mostly philosophical.

And did it cause a shitstorm.

My mom got friend requests from aunts and uncles who wanted to pray for me, people unfriended me on Facebook, I mean, now I mean, family gatherings are a nightmare because I don't want to outright come out and say "Listen, I think everything you've said in the last thirty minutes is absolute fucking bullshit." but keeping quiet gives people the wrong impression as well. I'm not quiet. I'm considerate, really.

I bear no ill will to anyone of faith, if it gets you to sleep at night, whatever. But listen here.

If your faith causes you to be homophobic, transphobic, bigoted, ignorant, sexist, racist, if your faith causes yourself or the people you come in contact with more harm than good, then understand, I have a problem with it. It's a cancer. You don't hate the patient, you hate the disease. And you have one that's rotting your whole fucking core. 

Don't even get me started in violence in the name of a deity. Don't get me started in the hatred religion spawns, on the politics of the church and the walls it creates between people, this institution is fucking sick. And it makes money off being fucking sick, that's the worst part.

But I am also someone who has faith in the human race. We have this incredible capability for doing good. At some point, religion is going to die out. It should. Listening to today's kids, to the youth, we're more progressive than ever, we're accepting, and open minded and not blindly following an ancient book written by sexually frustrated old desert dwellers.

Those are my views on religion. I think it's a disease. It's poisonous. And sad, actually. But I will admit, there were times I was happy being called a sheep. I know why people believe. But I also know why I don't. And every so often I like to hear Richard Dawkins or Bill Nye and sometimes even Niel DeGrasse Tyson spell out some truths, put forward arguments, and honestly, listening to fellow atheists is probably the only reason I haven't gone insane yet... 

There is one religion I do have a soft spot for, and that is... Hold your breath...

Laveyan Satanism.

Weird hey? But, the more I read about them, the more I understand. It's like, taking anti-theism to an extreme. Because, funny enough, they want nothing to do with biblical Satan. They use the original meaning of Satan, which means adversary. It's a religion founded upon being opposed to religion, or conventional religion. I've met these people, and they were nice, and friendly, and they put forward good arguments... I mean, I have read their bible and it's... Incredibly logical, sarcastic, very involved... It's almost more philosophy than anything else, and I find it... Incredible. Just... The fact that such a huge misconception exists, that there is such irony... Like, you always see Satanists as these sacrificial nutjobs but... They aren't. They're nice people with logical believes. I also have less hatred for Paganistic practices, I mean I do think a lot of it is bullshit, but there is some value in viewing nature and the Earth as sacred. 

But yeah. That is what I believe. I don't have time to be preached to, I'm losing breaths and heartbeats and seconds that I will never get back. I guess I barely even have time to explain... But, This is about as close as I can give you. I remember there were these two kids in primary school, and when we played pretend, they always wanted to be girls... And I wish my parents taught me then what I know now. But didn't know what I know. And I think that transphobia and homophobia were instilled in me at a very young age, because I didn't understand it, and I remember my friends at the time being bullies... I was one of those people. I could have killed someone, indirectly. But these conservative ideals that come with religion are... Dangerous.

So yeah, that was day 4, peace out, we'll talk again tomorrow, hopefully with something more lighthearted. If perchance, I have offended, think but this, and all is mended... We might as well be ten minutes back in time for all you'll change your mind.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Day 3: My Top 5 Pet Peeves

Whew, day 3 already! Let's do this, okay, in no specific order, my Top 5 pet peeves:

- Misogynistic and or Ignorant comments about Feminism

This one twists my titties, it really does. I consider myself a feminist, I am for the equal rights of women, for the obliteration of gender roles and especially the rights of transgender women, or as I like to call them, women, who are put down on a daily basis. I feel like we need to step back from this place where we assume all feminists are angry white hipster chicks with too much spare time and a Tumblr account. A lot of American right wing media loves bashing on it, I hear some people close to me saying really offensive shit... And I mean, it's not just about women's right, it's about equality, about justice, freedom, empathy... It's really not about being aggressive, and I know, the community can be so frustrated, but I mean, we're a generation of progressive millennials and we still can't remove sexism from our media, homes and workplaces. I see it. And it happens to men too. A lot of MRAs and 'meninists' are so ignorant and hateful... But what also gets my goat is feminists making misandrous comments, because these people don't really represent our views, but they are still feminists, and we get a bad rep from it. I need feminism, as a man, because I need feminine things to not be seen as demeaning, for the word feminine to not be an insult, for women to get equal payment as men for doing the same jobs. And like it or not, so do you.

- Religion.

Day 4 is my views on religion. I wanted to give it a specific one, but you know what, from the annoying "LIKE IF YOU LOVE JESUS SCROLL IF YOU LOVE SATAN" posts that never end, how do they never end, please just let them fucking end, THEY'LL END IF YOU STOP LIKING THEM AND ACCEPT YOUR DEITY ISN'T POLICING YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT, to religious indoctrination to  religious bigotry to Christian Hardcore bands to Christian rock to anyone excessively using Satan as an excuse to *if I continue I will only end when Phillip J. Fry wakes up in the year 3000*

I really don't like religion. I try not to be one of those militant atheist assholes, but honestly... I see some stupid shit sometimes. And I will on occasion be an asshole about it because not everyone is perfect and someone needs to say something.

- Hatred Towards Metalcore

From the elitist "It's not real metal!" stuff to the ignorant "It's just screaming, there's no melody!" from muggles, just... Stop. I honestly just stop listening to the stupidity after a point. Metalcore is my favourite genre of music, I love high gain guitar tones and breakdowns and death growls and high screams and those awesome double bass pedal grooves... To me, it takes the best from heavy metal and hardcore punk, has a great community and the artists are just really cool people. I know it isn't for everyone, fuck, I WAS one of you people, but you *really* don't need to be ignorant asshats about it. If I could go back in time and slap the bejesus out of my younger self, I freaking would. But it takes an ear for the subtle nuances of screaming to appreciate which honestly, not everyone has. You can't just jump into metalcore. And we have bad artists, like every other genre.

- Homophobic and transphobic comments

Straight guys of the world, can we just assume that not every queer guy is out to fuck you in the ass? You're confusing them with student loans. And grow up. If I see another shitty comedy with some white guy getting into the nasty with a stripper only to find out she has a penis... Why is everyone so grossed out by penises? Why are we mad at penises? Granted, they aren't the prettiest, but like, straight cis guys, you've been living with a penis your whole life, get over it. But yes, I am an LGTBQ ally, I support the cause, and I get annoyed when people say homophobic or transphobic things. Not every transgender woman has a penis. And with Leelah Acorn's suicide I feel so ashamed for the transphobic things I've said in the past, and I know I was guilty of it... Just makes you think, what if I was one of those people, what if in some indirect way I was responsible for someone's suicide? What if that was me hearing those things? Empathy is already so hard to come by, don't be one of the world's assholes.

- People over my shoulder

Don't read my texts, don't read the article I'm reading, don't watch me draw, don't watch me write, don't read my facebook news feed, JUST DON'T. UUUUUUGGGGGHHH. If I wanna show you something, I will. Otherwise, just... Don't. It's rude as hell.

I have more. If you asked me this question again tomorrow, I'd probably say something different. These are just the five things that annoy me the most right now.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Day 2: Where I'd Like To Be In 10 Years

Oh, heavy. My ten year plan. Future me. 

I'm absolutely shit at this type of thing.

But here goes. One of my lifelong dreams has been to record a full length album, so in ten years, I'd like to have accomplished at least that. I have a multimedia project that I've been working on since highschool and I hope that by then it's actually complete. I would obviously want to have my Computer Science degree, with an honours perhaps in another field, maybe from humanities, maybe visual design, I dunno. It'd be something that I could practically use. I want to be fully independent at the age of 29... Oh crap, I just realised how far that actually is! So yeah, I want to be driving my second fully paid off car, in an apartment that I own, and I'd love to have a stable job and a partner. That's where I'd want to be, I guess.

I guess I'll take it a step further, I'd want to have kept up exercise and good diet enough to not be obese. I want like three more piercings on my face alone. I want to have decided on and have gotten my first tattoo. Uhm, maybe I'd do something funky with my hair. I dunno, the last year of my twenties, I should really live it up. As for where... I always said that I'd like to study locally, work globally... But I dunno. I'd love to be working in the UK. Or maybe somewhere else in Europe. Perhaps even America, more to the north though... Canada is also not out of the question. If I don't end up working or living there, I want to visit all these places before I'm 29.

I would like to speak a third or maybe even fourth language. I've been dabbling in a bit of French and I've always wanted to learn Japanese, but that's purely because I want to watch anime without relying on subtitles. I'd also like to have learned to play a brass instrument. And maybe violin, or cello. I'd definitely want to be a person who didn't give up on music.

Who I'm with? Well selfishly I wanna say my besties from highschool, but I can think of a few who are immigrating in the next three years actually! Haha. So hopefully I won't be alone. I do know that I'd like to meet more LGTBQ persons, hear their stories, and just interact with that community. I can't say I'm exactly a gay rights activist but I am an ally, and I do believe in equal rights. 

Lastly, I guess in 10 years I'd want to be closer to my ideal self. I wanna have less sleepless nights, less depressive fits, less nights when I come scarily close to making a noose out of my scarves to hang myself with. I remember, I think it was July in my final year of highschool, I walked out of a physics or a chemistry test. Actually, it started before that. Right as I ended the paper actually. I planned my own suicide in detail. To cut a sad story short, my plan was to compile a playlist of the last songs I'll ever hear, my favourite ones, to overdose on whichever pill would let me go in the most quiet way, and I'd lock myself in my bathroom with a pillow, so I could sit comfortably in the shower with my headphones on. Obviously, I never made it that far. Due to... Well weirdly enough, past me. The year before I was really depressed and I had my first real suicidal thought. So nearly seventeen year old me wrote a two page letter to future me, calling me out on my bullshit, telling me everything I thought other people should have been telling me. That's weirdly how I've been going. I guess I just don't want to disappoint seventeen year old me with the stars in his eyes and the world in his hands. It seems stupid and insignificant now, but when you're there, that final grade basically determines your whole life. If you don't make it, you might never go and study further, or you might have to come back, delay your life for a whole year. I was scared of that. I have this huge thing about failure. And I think highschool sort of beat it into me, where if I don't try, I don't have to feel bad about failing. So I just don't. I study enough at last minute to get by and I scrape through on the bare minimum. In ten years, I want that to not be me. I want to be a more confident, a more mature, and I guess a more emotionally stable person.

Okay, so now that we've gone there and back, I definitely want more onesies, I want to have started cosplaying, I always say I'm going to do it but I never do, and I want to be more open about some things I generally keep to myself. Also, I want the dream PC. Of course. High expectations, 29 year old Matthew.

Anyway, peace out, it's been way too real, and this was day 2. I have to admit, I sort of started this challenge on impulse but the topics are actually kind of fun and I dunno, if anyone else decided to do it I wouldn't be against reading and bookmarking and knowing all your secret details. Jokes, haha.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 1; Your Current Relationship (If single, discuss being Single)

Well, at this juncture, I am single. I recently broke up with someone in what was the douchiest of manners, but I am not going to discuss that.

Okay, well what is being single like? Ever watch Gotham until 5AM because your life has no real meaning and you have no one to marathon Gotham with because you're an ugly slug of a person? A teensy bit like that. Except I wanna say I'm a strong 5/10 slug of a person. I wanna say that I haven't found what I'm looking for. Which also, until very recently, wasn't very specific. Now it's less vague, I guess. There's a fair bit of stalking your exes involved. All of them. In separate google chrome tabs. While eating a tub of ice cream. Jokes, I'd have to leave my apartment and buy ice cream...

This is coming off as way more pathetic than I intended it to be.

But honestly, I guess, there is a little bit of freedom in being single. Not the "don't look at other people" kind, honestly, are we twelve? Yes, it's going to be an actual given that your partner doesn't find you and you alone attractive. Of course she loves Ian Somerhalder and his perfect abs. Of course he was checking her out when you weren't looking. The thing is, when you're with a person, you love their imperfect abs or flat-as-a-board butt. That's your favourite butt. Your favourite tummy. You get to frickle frackle and play with those. They're yours to touch. Because that's the best part. You're with someone for who they are and what they look like. Because the goal is to grow old, fat, broken, wrinkled and smelly together. So no, not that kind of freedom. The kind of freedom that says, less obligation. You don't have to and worry about how you look when that person comes over, or how clean the place is. You don't have to worry about budgeting more things. You don't have to answer any weird probing questions from friends, acquaintances and family (although this is replace with either weird and kind of condescending looks, questions about why you're single and even questions about your sexuality, people, amirite?) and there's also... Freedom to discover yourself. Change your hair without okay-ing the decision because it might weird out people in her or his life and you don't wanna cause them social embarrassment. You're free to go make those personal changes.

And that freedom is worth celebrating actually. You shouldn't ever feel guilty about being single or alone. You shouldn't feel sad about it. I think when we're alone long enough we start getting paranoid ideas about our person and we let ourselves become what we fear to become. I think that we should love ourselves more for the people we are. Because independence, self-confidence, distinct personality traits... Those are attractive. I mean, dependent, self loathing and boring aren't exactly the kind of things you look for in people.

So yeah, while being single does mean that you aren't sending good morning texts with kissy faces to someone, it does mean that you get to meet people in the search for the next potential Mr or Ms. right, it does mean that you get to be yourself and not integrate with someone else, and it means that you can become a better and stronger person, a person that Mr or Ms. right will be beyond in love with. And you can get white-boy wasted. #InAnOpenRelationshipWithVodka amirite?

Being single isn't actually all bad.