Thursday, August 13, 2015

Day 29: 10 People, Dead or Alive, who you'd invite to dinner, include the menu

So I'll jump right into my guest list, I'm compiling this list with really just a sense of who I'd really like to talk to, who I idolise, who I find interesting. In no particular order:

-Richard Dawkins
-Bill Nye
-Neil deGrasse Tyson
-John Stewart
-Mayim Bialik
-Trace Lyssette
-Eddie Izzard
-Morgan Freeman
-Stephen Hawking
-Laverne Cox

Well, there's a list of people I'd love to throw in a room together and watch them sass each other out. for the menu, I sure as hell won't be cooking, and I don't eat super fancy (#StudentLife) but...

Cookie Monster Cocktails, maybe a good white wine, Cuba Libres, non-alcoholic champagne, very alcoholic champagne... Just like a whole list of super yummy things.

Either butternut soup or shrimp cocktail. I don't usually do starters but yeah.

Main course:
Lemon and butter chicken fillet or steak served with stir fried veggies with a salad on the side. Or something. It's a good thing I'm not a caterer.

Oreo Cheesecake... Had it, loved it... Everyone deserves this kind of happiness. Probably an ice-cream cake as well.

I just think I'd love to hear these people talk. Nye, Tyson and Dawkins in the same room is already an atheist's dream. We'd probably cover superhero films, sitcoms, evolution, latest advancements in science, LGTBQ issues, racism, sexism, why Fantastic Four got 9% on Rotten Tomatoes... That sort of thing.

But anyway, yeah, day 29... Tomorrow is the last day of the blog challenge... Day 30. The big one. The endgame. The finale... I might re-post these on my other blog, How Matt-Dave Writes or just link to this one and leave it to fade into the abyss of the internet, I might even keep this blog up and running and just post about stuff I dislike, rant about nonsensical things, repeat all the things I have ranted about... Stuff like that. The future is unknown, and I guess I'll just let it happen. But really, a massive thank you to everyone who read my posts, a massive thank you to everyone who supported me, a massive thank you to everyone who gave me words of encouragement. I've nearly completed the 30 day blog challenge. I do apologise for my late entries, like I said, it's a challenge for a reason. But it's been real. I've talked about religion, and depression, and love, and loss, and friends, and music, movies... I've expressed opinions and left my words for anyone who cares to read them. Nearly 30 days worth of blog posts. Obviously, I will continue to write, I am a writer, a musician, a programmer and a sprite artist, all trapped inside one body, trying to gain dominance. I don't think I could ever abandon writing. So this will definitely not be the last time you hear from me... And also, I think this might legitimately be the first post I haven't dropped a curse word in yet... Which is impressive, I curse a lot. It's really a bad habit.


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