Monday, August 10, 2015

Day 25: Someone Who Fascinates You And Why

Josh Feuerstein.

A while back this... I won't stoop to his level, I won't be angry... *implodes*... Man. Posted a video called "Dear Mr Atheist."

This obviously severely annoyed Atheists everywhere, including myself... He uses laws where they don't apply, he displays blatant ignorance to the atheist community...

But what fascinates me about this guy is that he seems to take Atheism and Liberalism and such extremely personally. I myself have had my screaming matches with theists and religious types and trolls, but usually just because I either was in a bad mood or because something they said upsets me. Otherwise, I just watch Dawkins and Nye and D'Grasse Tyson and laugh. That's kinda all we really do.

Feuerestein just embodies this fundamentalist persona that attacks and screams and often gives out terrible, terrible advice. On that note,  I am not a therapist. I am not religious authority. But if you have a problem and need a sympathetic ear, I am there. I also won't give you non-helpful advice like "You should pray about it." Even when I was Christian,  I still hated that sentence. If I can't help, I will try my best to empathise or sympathise, I will try my best to comfort you and even if you just need a normal conversation, a bit of mundane to clear your head, I do that. I feel like that's just the decent thing to do. If you can't help, rather just be sympathetic and supportive. Getting back on track, I've seen people post his videos like he has a point and I've seen people post responses, most of them being, "Bruh, the burden of proof is on you. I'm not going to try and prove to you that your god doesn't exist, but hey, give me scientific evidence in a peer reviewed journal and I'll spin on a dime once I recover from the embarrassment and shock". Very civil responses. Also some non-civil ones, but hey, I think he said some shit that did deserve a few harsh words.

In general though, he opens that video with what I guess is pain, or hurt that one of my fellow atheists said something unpleasant and called him names and wasn't very civil about it. And I know, I get heated too. And on that note, I apologise if what I say offends, but sometimes it just comes out that way. And I thought, hey, that's not right, that's not all of us, I truly don't wish you harm man... And I would have left it there, if that's all he was on about... But it didn't end there. And, I can honestly say, maybe the guy deserved the response he got from the atheist who offended him, maybe the atheist was just going about his business when yet another bible pusher came and whipped his religion penis out to wave it in his face. It's kinda what he does for a living.

So yeah, he fascinates and annoys me to no end.

Worst of all, really...

Is that he looks like Kevin James. And I love Kevin James. He's funny and really body positive and James' face is wasted on Josh. It really is.

Anyway, day 25. Almost done...


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