Monday, August 10, 2015

Day 22: How Have You Changed In The Past 2 Years

Okay, well here's a heavy one...

Good god, I was in grade 11 this time two years ago... Where to start?

I have my first piercing. I don't game as often as I used to. I don't read as often as I used to. I have started playing trumpet. I'm more aware of LGTBQ issues, as well as issues of racism. I am friends with different people now. I don't like some of the things I used to like, eg. Being As An Ocean. I don't program videogames as much as I used to. I don't play hockey as often as I used to. I am more into alternative culture. I guess I've become a lot more cynical about dating and love. I have an OkCupid account. Yeah. I know. Embarrassing.

I could list more changes but mainly, I'm older, wiser, get carded a helluva lot less and I am more of an adult. Which isn't saying much. But still. I must admit that a lot of things have stayed the same. I still love La Dispute, I still love Bring Me The Horizon, Scott Pilgrim versus The World is still my favourite film, I still write, I still play guitar on a daily basis, I'm still a big softy on the inside, I still dislike Ronnie Radke. I doubt that'll ever change. I'm also still terrible with money. Which is why I suck at Monopoly. I'm still playing PS3. Even if it's not as much as I used to. I'm still short. I'm getting closer and closer to 23 and my body is still saying, sorry mate, you reached your peak height. I'm also still an atheist... To that one teacher in school that said it'd be a phase, it seems that my phase might last a little longer than you thought. I am still very bad at League Of Legends. I dunno. I guess that's just something that happened. I am still into anime.

I dunno, there isn't as much to say about it. I guess... The more things change, the more they stay the same. I guess some things do never change. There's a lot that I wish did, and there's a lot I'm glad that changed. There are some things I wish never changed. But all in all, what's happened, happened. Can't do anything about it now. As it goes, "The wisdom to accept what I can't change, the courage to change what I can." Or something like that. I've never been great at clichés. Then again, sometimes I am a walking cliché. Little ironies in everything.

There is one major change... Maybe more of a discovery? But that's Day 30...


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