Friday, May 24, 2019

Support Women's Right To Choose, You Coward

I'm a little late and I don't really know if this counts as a platform but here we go;

Abortion bills are almost always used to control women. But also yes, the supporters thereof actually do care about abortion, it's just one of their favourite ways to control women because their morals can drive their own outrage.

There are plenty of arguments to be made for a pro-choice stance but there are people better at making those arguments so I'm just going to say this about the anti-choice side;

It's not only old white men.

A popular talking point from intersectional feminist circles is that white women are just as guilty of electing Trump into office. While it's mostly old white men who sign, write and pass these bills, they're pandering as much to a supporting base of conservative women as they are to white men.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that old white men in power are blameless because, no, they certainly have to shoulder a lot of the responsibility but we often miss the bigger picture, and that's that there are enough women out there who empathize more with a fetus than with fellow women and their opinions are the ones that the men in power will consider, even if less so than with their fellow men.

And yeah, it is up to leftist men to signal boost, support and vocalize the hell out of our stance on this. We have enough clout and most of us have at least some form of platform. Now is the time to make your voices heard in solidarity with women, especially if it's unpopular in your circle because that's probably who needs to hear it the most.

Also, tell all your friends to go watch or read The Handmaids Tale. There's a piece of media that'll have a profound effect on your worldview and yeah, it's the kind of  fucked up thing that hits a little too close to home right now and maybe that's exactly what we need, a reminder of how bad things can get so we know to preemptively prevent things from ever reaching that point.

In conclusion, yeah, I'm with the women on this point, and not just with women, with trans men, NBs and anyone else who has a uterus. I'm not okay with the regulation of their bodies and it frightens me to see how many people are okay with that. This is not okay, this is not normal, we shouldn't let it be.

We're supposed to be better than that, right?


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